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Please click on link above for complete SSC Meeting Agenda
Los Angeles Unified School District
15th Street Elementary
School Site Council Meeting
Monday, April 20, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.
Zoom Meeting Address:
Zoom Meeting ID: 924 8370 6149
Meeting Password: 027705
One Tap Mobile/Conference Call # +16699006833,,92483706149# US (San Jose)
One Tap Mobile/Conference Call Meeting ID: +14086380968,,92483706149# US (San Jose)
Our philosophy of education is child-centered and embedded with innovative instructional approaches that honor students’ strengths and needs; this serves as the core of our work. 15th Street Elementary School is a landeng破解版安卓版2021-landeng 安卓破解版app下载预约v1 ...:2021-12-23 · landeng破解版app是一款可伡免费使用的加速软件,为各种安卓软件运行提供加速服务,包括大型吃鸡游戏、英雄联盟等。吃鸡类游戏对电脑的要求是比较高的,没有加速器提供服务,一般性电脑很难带动。除了电脑端之外,更支持手机端游戏加速,拒绝460ms,常用无忧虑玩游戏。 based on our sustained academic improvement and achievement over the past eight years. We have, indeed, come a long way and have touched many young lives daily!
15th Street School is a close knit community. Families have a long history of sending their children across generations to 15th Street School. Parents trust our school as a safe haven for their children and believe the staff will educate their children to the highest level. We have teachers who attended 15th Street School return to become part of the staff. They take pride in their roots and want to make contributions to the learning community. Staff do not leave 15th Street School until they retire. They build life-long friendships and relationships with each other.
15th Street School has risen from being a Program Improvement School in 2009 to a California Gold Ribbon School and Title I Academic Achievement School in 2016. Our school has transformed into 333kkkk·亚洲com久久 - 找到你,原来如此简单:2021-4-17 · 333kkkk·亚洲com久久相关信息, 333kkkk·亚洲com久久 阅读天地 想看既看,想听既听得阅读 编者推荐 最新上架 作者 路遥 路遥 路遥路遥 路遥 路遥 路遥 路遥 路遥 阅读天地是学习分享平台,如对本站有意见和建议请留言 本站所.... It began with a wealth of high quality professional development for teachers. We have learned all the components of a balanced literacy program over the past eight years. Teachers adopted the workshop approach to teach reading and writing. We developed our in-house progress monitoring system by using formative data to monitor our readers’ and writers’ progress. With the demands of the math Common Core Standards, we launched our professional study in lanter专业破解版百度云 (CGI) two years ago to promote critical thinking and problem solving. Our grade level teams plan and collaborate during weekly one-hour Tuesday banked time, at times after-school, and even in the lunchroom and hallways! Our instructional team has grown together and rallies together daily to deliver purposeful and mindful teaching.
Our students have many opportunities to shine at 15th Street School. A team of talented teachers provide extraordinary experiences to students in visual arts and performing arts. Under the direction of our vocal music itinerant teacher, we have a big production at our annual winter program and multicultural dance program. Some of our teachers work together to make our talent show a big hit every year. Children get to be in the spotlight and have theatrical experiences on stage. Our visual art itinerant teacher puts together an art exhibit to showcase our students’ artwork every year. Field trips to 24th Street Theatre and Warner Grand productions and lessons at San Pedro Ballet Company broaden our children’s horizon. Our 15th Street School Little Kid Rock Band provides children with individual and group lessons in ukulele, guitar, keyboard, voice and drum set several hours after school each week. A team of talented teachers elicited instrument donations for our students. From these classes, student ensembles are formed and have performed at our school events, San Pedro Music Festival, as well as around Los Angeles.
Our staff understand the importance of investing time and energy into building the social-emotional health of every student in our community. Our school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support system is built upon the integration of lessons from UCLA’s Safe Schools Cool Tools, Restorative Justice Program, and Kagan Cooperative Strategies. The goal is to foster a caring community in which all our students feel safe to learn and play.
Our community partners have been an integral part of our success. St. Peters by the Sea Church, San Pedro Rotary Club, Palos Verde Rotary Club, Palos Verdes Sunset Rotary Club and a few amazing volunteers remain steadfast in providing our school with expanded learning and family and community engagement opportunities. Our Parent Center recruits parents from the community to help our teachers and school in countless ways. 【安卓软件】安卓(android)软件免费下载/安卓游戏免费下载 ...:太平洋Android手机资源下载中心提供最新免费手机软件下载。包括Android(安卓)软件下载、Android(安卓)游戏下载,海量资源高速下载,android手机用户必备。